BUSINESS DESCRIPTION: Mindel and Morse Builders LLC
"Creating beautiful, healthy, and comfortable homes that use little energy. Est. 1981."
- Team approach to construction – Develop scope, plans, budget, and schedule together with client and architect.
- Execute projects from pre-construction to finish with in-house carpenters and trusted subcontractors.
- Focus on high performance buildings and use of sustainable materials.
- Create long-term relationships and be stewards of our clients’ homes through time.
Contact Information
Owners: Gero Dolfus
74 Cotton Mill Hill A-226
Brattleboro VT 05301
Phone: 802 380 5554
High Performance/Building Science Milestones
- Classes toward Certified Level 1 High Performance Builder
- PHIUS Certified Builder
- Attends Building Science Guild (BSG) Meetings
- Efficiency Excellence Network (EEN) Member
- Achieved key building standards: Efficiency VT (EVT) Base Level
- Residential construction
- Remodeling
- Retrofits
Typical Project Size
Projects vary in size, please inquire.
Typical Work Area
Brattleboro and surroundings
Would you travel further?
Yes, please inquire.