
High performance builders and architects call for legislation and law to change to protect homeowners in Vermont, especially after the dangers of spray foam insulation were revealed.

Architects and Builders Urge Action for Improved Construction Standards

artially due to the recent spray foam insulation issues, a group of six builders and architects came together with a unanimous request during a recent hearing in Vermont. They appealed to the panel responsible for approving state regulations, urging them to delay the proposed energy code updates. Their rationale was rooted in the need for Vermont to first establish improved education, training, certification, and enforcement measures for builders before implementing these changes. The spray foam insulation failures served as an example of the issues that can arise without adequate knowledge and oversight in the construction industry.

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SEON's Executive Director, Guy Payne meets with the Vermont General Attorney and the Secretary of State’s Office of Professional Regulation to help lead the way: How Vermont's New Residential Contractor Registration Program is Driving Sustainable Construction with SEON's Help

Combating Home Improvement Fraud to Protect Homeowners: SEON on the Move to Ensure Sustainable Construction

Discover how the fight against home improvement fraud is getting a major boost from a new registration program for residential contractors. Designed to help consumers locate licensed professionals with the necessary expertise to deliver top-quality work, the program also emphasizes the importance of certification to recognize a builder’s mastery in their craft. Join the effort to ensure sustainable, responsible construction and protect your home with this valuable new program.

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How Sec. E.134.1 Can Influence the Housing Market: Reviewing Public Pension Funds’ Carbon Footprint

mpact of Sec. E.134.1 on the Housing Market: Reviewing Public Pension Funds’ Carbon Footprint In the realm of Vermont’s housing market, Section E.134.1’s requirement for a carbon footprint review of public pension funds holds both direct and indirect implications. Let’s delve into how this provision can influence the housing market, considering both the positive and

How Sec. E.134.1 Can Influence the Housing Market: Reviewing Public Pension Funds’ Carbon Footprint Read More »

Analyzing Fiscal Year 2024 Fee Report and Its Implications for Residential Homes, Homeowners, and Homelessness

Analyzing Fiscal Year 2024 Fee Report and Its Implications for Residential Homes, Homeowners, and Homelessness In the intricate web of legislative provisions, even seemingly unrelated sections can carry implications for residential homes, homeowners, and homelessness. Section E.127 of the legislative framework delves into fiscal year 2024 fee reports, presenting an avenue to explore how this

Analyzing Fiscal Year 2024 Fee Report and Its Implications for Residential Homes, Homeowners, and Homelessness Read More »

Introducing Vermont’s Housing Transition Program: A Key Component of the New Bill

Introducing Vermont’s Housing Transition Program: A Key Component of the New Bill Vermont’s unwavering commitment to addressing homelessness and housing instability is taking a significant step forward with the introduction of the Housing Transition Program, a crucial part of the new bill. Supported by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) recovery funds, this initiative underscores

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Expanding Affordable Housing: Vermont’s Manufactured Home Improvement and Replacement Program

Amid the ongoing efforts to bolster affordable housing options and support homeowners, Vermont has introduced a new initiative known as the Manufactured Home Improvement and Replacement Program. This program, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) recovery funds, aims to address various aspects of manufactured home communities and provide financial assistance to homeowners in

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Investing in Affordable Housing: Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations

As fiscal year 2024 approaches, policymakers are taking significant steps to address housing challenges and improve housing accessibility in the state of Vermont. This article delves into two important sections of the legislative document, highlighting the allocations for affordable housing development and the miscellaneous fiscal year 2024 one-time appropriations. Sec. B.1102 AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT –

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This Vermont Legislation outlines various appropriations for housing-related initiatives

Legislation that outlines various appropriations for housing-related initiatives, including support for recovery home residents, emergency housing, homeless households, land access, and livestock management using technology. The mentioned funds are being allocated from the General Fund for the fiscal year 2024.Here are the key points: Sec. B.802 Housing and community development Personal services 6,428,334 Operating expenses

This Vermont Legislation outlines various appropriations for housing-related initiatives Read More »