This Vermont Legislation outlines various appropriations for housing-related initiatives

Legislation that outlines various appropriations for housing-related initiatives, including support for recovery home residents, emergency housing, homeless households, land access, and livestock management using technology. The mentioned funds are being allocated from the General Fund for the fiscal year 2024.
Here are the key points:

  • $30,000 General Fund for a housing voucher program administered by the Vermont Association of Recovery Residences and Jenna’s Promise: This allocation is for a housing voucher program that aims to provide financial assistance to individuals in recovery homes. The program is likely intended to help cover the first month’s rent for residents transitioning out of recovery homes.
  • $18,884,610 General Fund for Adverse Weather Conditions policy and General Assistance Emergency Housing: This funding is meant to address the estimated financial requirements for policies related to adverse weather conditions and emergency housing assistance. It seems to be targeted at providing support for individuals who may need emergency shelter due to adverse weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances.
  • $5,000,000 General Fund for the Housing Opportunity Grant Program: This allocation is intended to expand the Housing Opportunity Grant Program, which likely provides financial assistance and support services to households experiencing homelessness. The additional funds may help extend the reach of the program and provide more comprehensive assistance to homeless individuals and families.
  • $1,200,000 General Fund to the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board for the Land Access and Opportunity Board: This funding is designated to support the activities of the Land Access and Opportunity Board. This board could be responsible for initiatives related to accessing land for various purposes, which could include housing or conservation efforts.
  • $150,000 General Fund to the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board for the Farm Viability Program pilot program: This allocation is for a pilot program within the Farm Viability Program, which aims to provide grants for the use of technology (virtual fences, solar-powered collars, transmitters) to control livestock (cattle, horses, sheep, swine, and goats). This could involve using innovative methods to manage and control livestock movements.
Sec. B.802 Housing and community development
Personal services6,428,334
Operating expenses705,584



Source of funds
General fund5,031,943
Special funds6,937,054
Federal funds15,854,615

Interdepartmental transfers Total

Sec. B.811 Vermont housing and conservation board



Source of funds

                   Special funds                                                                    24,552,855