Certified Level 1 High Performance Builder

This certification builds on the carpentry skills and credentialing curriculum of the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) Core Curriculum to create a new designation: Certified Level 1 High Performance Builder.
Knowledge of basic carpentry skills through NCCER is an essential foundation for the required learning as a high performance builder. Understanding carpentry terms and skills, building components, and even proper handling of equipment, is necessary to anchor learning of air and water barriers and promote overall safety. This approach also relieves production oriented builders from diverting resources to educate entry level employees on carpentry basics.

Requirements for Certified Level 1 High Performance Builder

  1. Satisfactory completion of 2 courses: “Basics of High Performance Building” and “Water, Air, and Thermal Continuous Control Layers
  2. Demonstration of Carpentry Level 1 Competencies of basic carpentry and high performance skills (site-based learning and assessment).


FIRST COURSE: Basics of High Performance Building

2 half days; Cost $550/$500; Prerequisite: 1 year of carpentry experience or completion of the NCCER Core Curriculum

Part I: Think Like Air, Think Like Water: Building Science Principles Related to the Enclosure

This unit gives participants an introduction to specific strategies used to achieve durable and energy efficient enclosures. Participants will take away 1) skills to describe the air tightness strategy used in a specific high-performance system and 2) the ability to discuss strategies for proper moisture management given real world examples.

Part II: The Big Picture: Integration of the Whole Building System

This unit gives participants an overview of the building as a whole system. Participants will take away 1) skills to identify components of high-performance homes and 2) the knowledge necessary to compare and contrast high-performance homes with code minimum conventional construction.

SECOND COURSE: Water, Air, & Thermal Continuous Control Layers

2 half days; Cost $350/$400; Prerequisite: 1 year of carpentry experience or completion of the NCCER Core Curriculum

This is a hands-on course that will cover the theory of control layer materials and installation practices on vertical walls. It will also cover the installation of windows and doors, such that each of the control layers is continuous at these difficult penetrations. It is designed for: Carpenters (with at least 1 year experience), Lead Carpenters, Superintendents, Contractors, Project Managers, and Architects. Currently not taught as part of the Career Center Curriculum.

  • SEON will assist with finding employment for all entry-level participants upon completion of the NCCER Core Curriculum and Basics of High Performance Building. SEON’s recommended employer list will be strongly influenced by builders who have the demonstrated capacity to reinforce the building science and high performance learning of program participants.
  • Certificates of completion will be awarded for each course taken. Upon successful completion of all program requirements, a participants becomes a Certified Level 1 High Performance Builder.

VERIFICATION: Carpentry Level I Competencies

The performance objective will be to achieve a rating scale of 3 in all categories of the Carpentry Skills. Once employed, the Carpentry Skills will be primarily learned & assessed on the job site.


For information:

Guy Payne; 802-376-9262; guy@buildingscience.org
Sustainable Energy Outreach Network (SEON)

For Entry-level registration:

WRCC: Drew McDowell; 802-451-3965; dmcdowell@wsesu.org
Windham Regional Career Center

Financial Assistance:

VSAC: Suzie Wagner; 800-660-3561 x428; Wagner@vsac.org
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation’s Vermont Non-Degree Grant

VT DOL: Katie Knaeble; 802-257-2583; Kathryn.Knaeble@vermont.gov
The Vermont Department of Labor’s Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act



See ALL Certification and Training courses below

SEON Certification Courses
SEON Training Courses