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Press Release: SEON Delivers Foundational course on High Performance Building


Title:  SEON Delivers Foundational course on High Performance Building

By:  Sustainable Energy Outreach Network (SEON)

When: Immediately

Contact Person:  Guy Payne, 802-376-9262

On March 13 and 20 at the Patricia Hannaford Career Center from 3:45-7:45pm the Sustainable Energy Outreach Network (SEON) will deliver its acclaimed course Basics of High Performance Building, taught by Nate Gusakov of Silver Maple Construction/Zone 6 Energy, one of Vermont’s thought leaders on high-performance building.

This is a foundation course on the science of how a building performs. For years our builders have worked hard to follow best practices and energy code requirements in new construction and renovation, but they were all-too-rarely exposed to the science of how a building performs. Building Science is now considered essential learning in workforce development in the residential building industry.  

To learn how to register go to building-science-winter-spring-2023-class-schedule.  To learn of the content and format of this course, please go to our website on training (buildingscience.org) and under Certification and Training click HPB 101.

For further information contact:
Guy Payne at 802-376-9262 or guy@buildingscience.org