Tips to Help You Save Money When Building or Remodeling Your Home

These Tips will save you money in the long run. A LOT of Money!
Start with New Home water Management!

Do You Know The Background of The Builder?

Ask how a builder remains current with knowledge (training, certifications, tools)

New Home or Old Home?

Building a new home is not as difficult as retrofitting an old home.


You NEVER want mold! All efforts should be made to ensure energy efficiency. Vapor and Water Management are key!

Energy Star Certification Will Save You Money

Consult with an organization like Efficiency Vermont (or check your state) – they will make sure that the work you are doing is in compliance with Energy Star Certification.

Blower Door Test

Make sure to have a blower door test at the beginning and at the end of the project. Don’t know what that is? It’s a way of determining air leakage and insulation.

How SEON Can Help

SEON is a nonprofit organization that will help you get the knowledge you need to build or retrofit your house.