Building Science Interviews

Building Science Experts help you Live Your New England Dream, and Build Your New England Dream, Live in Vermont, Build in Vermont, Find a Certified High Performance BuilderA building science expert is a professional who has specialized knowledge of the physical principles that govern the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of buildings. They use this knowledge to solve problems related to energy efficiency, indoor air quality, moisture control, and other building performance issues.

SEON, Sustainable Energy Outreach Network, is a non-profit organization that trains and certifies high-performance builders. SEON’s training program covers the latest building science principles and practices. It also teaches builders how to design, construct, and operate high-performance buildings.

SEON works with building science experts to develop and deliver its training program. The experts provide instruction on the latest building science research and practices. They also help builders to apply this knowledge to their own work.

By training and certifying high-performance builders, SEON is helping to create a more sustainable built environment. High-performance buildings use less energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve the health and comfort of building occupants.

Here are some of the benefits of hiring a high-performance builder:

  • Your home will be more energy-efficient, which can save you money on your energy bills.
  • Your home will be more comfortable and healthy, thanks to better indoor air quality.
  • Your home will be more durable and less likely to need repairs.
  • Your home will be more sustainable, reducing your environmental impact.

If you are considering building a new home or renovating an existing one, I encourage you to hire a high-performance builder. They can help you to create a home that is both beautiful and sustainable.

Peter Yost is an expert Building Science instructor and a member of SEON.

Interview With Peter Yost: 6 Questions About Building Science Training

In the realm of high-performance building and cutting-edge construction, there’s a standout name: Peter Yost, owner of Building-Wright in Brattleboro, Vermont. With over three decades dedicated to building, renovating, researching, and consulting on high-performance homes, Peter is not just any builder – he’s a master puzzle solver, a technical virtuoso, and a champion of building […]

Interview With Peter Yost: 6 Questions About Building Science Training Read More »

Interview with Jason Van Nest: Revolutionizing the Way We Build Housing with Logic Building Systems

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