Board Member Orientation Guidebook

I. Mission Statement

The mission of SEON is to expand the essential knowledge base of high performance building professionals and engage the community to build a clean economy.

II. Projects

III. Training & Certification

      • Our Instructors

IV. The Building Science Guild


V. Toolkit for Homeowners

What you’ll find (and more)


VI. How we communicate

  1. Newsletters (delivered once a month)
    Delivered to approximately 350 readers
    Open rate average 45

    • Content you’ll find (and more):
      • Message from the Executive Director
      • Our members – in action
      • Interesting Links
      • Resources
      • Meetings & Conferences
      • Thank you, Members
  2. Social Media
    Content you’ll find (and more)

    • SEON news
    • Workforce career news
    • Homeowner information
    • Architectural Sketches
    • Building science innovations
  3. Blog/News
    Content you’ll find (and more)

  4. Opinion Letters
  5. Press release
  6. Annual Report

VII. Members


IX. Staff

X. Legal

  1. Privacy Policy
  2. Code of Conduct